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What is cortex dictamni's morphological characteristics?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-31      Origin: Site

White fresh skin, alias: white moss skin, eight cattle, mountain peony, sheep fresh grass, Latin name :CORTEX dittany root supplier - OkayHerbDICTAMNI Chinese medicine name. Root bark of perennial herbs of rutaceae whitefish and narrow - leaved Whitefish. Mainly produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Sichuan, Jiangsu and other places. In spring and autumn, dig the root, remove sediment and coarse skin, peel the root skin, slice and dry. Born with. It has the effect of clearing heat, dampness, dispelling wind and detoxifying. "Medicine theory" :" cure all heat toxic wind, evil wind, wind sore, scabies red rot, eyebrow hair off brittle, skin muscle urgent, strong heat and cold; Main antipyretic yellow, wine yellow, rapid yellow, millet yellow, Lao yellow, etc." Modern research shows that the volatile oil has anti-cancer effect in vitro. But those with deficient cold of spleen and stomach should be used with caution.

Morphological characteristics of Dichotoma chinensis

Dichotomous for perennial herbs, woody base, up to 1m. The whole plant has a special fragrance. Root fleshy, many lateral root, skin yellow white to yellow brown. Odd pinnate compound leaves alternate; Leaf rachis narrowly winged, without petiole; Leaflets 9 - 13, leaf blade ovate to elliptic, 3.5 -- 9 x 2 - 4cm, apex acute, base cuneate, margin serrulate, dark green above, densely covered with glandular spots, pale green below, glandular spots sparse. Racemes terminal, 30cm long, rachis and stalk mixed with white pilose and black glandular hairs; Stipe 1 - 2.5cm long, base with a linear bract; Sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 5 x 2mm, basally healing; Petals 5, reddish with purplish lines, oblanceolate or oblong, ca. 25 x 5 - 7mm, tapering to a stalk: stamens 10; Ovary superior, 5 locules. Capsule, densely glandular hairy, 5-lobed at maturity, with a needle tip at each lobe. Seeds 2-3, subglobose, ca. 3mm in diam., apex mucronate, black, lustrous. Flowering april-May, fruiting June.

Thin white perennial herbs, 30-80cm tall. Stems erect, much branched from base, densely long tomentose, proximally smooth and sometimes short hairy, fragrant. Odd pinnate compound leaves alternate; Leaf rachis hairy, base not winged; Petiole very short; Leaflets 7 -- 15, oblong or oblong, 5 -- 10 x 2 - 3cm, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or subobtuse, margin finely serrate, curled downward, smooth above, with sparse white hairs along veins below. Inflorescences racemelike, borne on the tip of stem, densely covered with dark brown glandular hairs and light brown hairs; Bracts linear-lanceolate, densely covered with dark brown glandular hairs; Sepals 5, lanceolate linear, 7 - 9mm long, apex acute, densely glandular hairs; Corolla lanceolate or oblong, 2 - 4.5cm long, pale pink with purplish brown hairs, apex acute or obtuse, base tapered claw; Stamens 10, separated, filaments all hairy; Ovary superior, with sparse white hair, style smooth. When mature, 5 segments, each with a needle tip. Seeds 2-3, subglobose, black, glossy. Flowering may - July, fruiting August - September.

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