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Turmeric TCM introduction to effects and precautions

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-29      Origin: Site

Turmeric is a natural medicine known as "plant bear bile". Turmeric harvested from autumn to early winter is the best in appearance. The deep yellow color indicates that it is rich in curcumin, which has potent anti-irritant and antioxidant properties at the same time.

Turmeric is also used in the preparation of food flavors and spices, such as curry powder, soup, margarine, cheese, fruit drinks, liqueurs, Spanish dishes, French dishes, mustard sauces, etc.

Organic turmeric root benefits

1. Turmeric may help protect the heart

Inflammation stimulates the synthesis of excess collagen outside the heart's cells, stiffening the heart muscle and increasing the burden on the heart.

2. Turmeric Helps Lower Your Chances of Alzheimer’s

Curcumin helps protect memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the buildup of amyloid "plaques" in the brain that block the connections between nerve cells essential for memory. Curcumin helps reduce amyloid buildup in the brain.

3. Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory spice that is beneficial for the recovery of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

4. Turmeric may help support healthy liver function

Adding turmeric to the diet can help detoxify a healthy liver and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which in turn can help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and organic turmeric root -OkayHerb

5. Turmeric can reduce plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, β-lipoprotein and liver cholesterol, correct the imbalance of α- and β-lipoprotein ratio, but has no effect on endogenous cholesterol.

6. Improve digestive system diseases

Studies have shown that curcumin has a very good soothing and protective effect on people with mild intestinal inflammation. In addition to this, the researchers also found that curcumin helps suppress intestinal hypersensitivity reactions, making it a promising ingredient in the treatment of functional dyspepsia in the future.

However, the treatment of turmeric for the digestive system is still in the research stage. For people with mild intestinal inflammation, it is a very good daily health care product. If you have a dry and hot constitution or a severe gastrointestinal ulcer, it is recommended not to consume too much turmeric .

Curcuma jiang huang precautions

Turmeric is a spice commonly used in yellow curries. It contains the compound curcumin, which the University of Maryland Medical Center found that the curcumin in the spice turmeric can help suppress inflammatory chemicals to improve chronic pain. However, there are corresponding precautions when consuming turmeric.

Although turmeric is generally considered safe, it should not be consumed in large quantities in people with liver problems. Side effects of turmeric include dehydration, heartburn, and nausea. These effects are often associated with high doses of the medicinal turmeric extract rather than consuming dishes containing the spice. Also, turmeric thins the blood, so those already taking blood thinners or aspirin should be avoided. It also stimulates uterine contractions, so pregnant women should limit their turmeric intake.

There are many types of turmeric side effects that fall into negative territory, but most seem to stem from consuming too many spice. A number of side effects are diarrhea, but the substance may also act as a blood thinner. People with gallstones should also reduce their consumption of turmeric, as turmeric side effects include contraction of the gallbladder.

Turmeric shows a tendency to lower blood pressure, and doctors warn that taking turmeric can be dangerous for those already used to treat high blood pressure. Unwanted turmeric side effects can also involve interfering with prescription medications, especially antacids and medications designed to reduce inflammation, thin the blood, and lower blood sugar levels.

Turmeric chinese medicine applications

Turmeric contains high amounts of curcumin, which studies have shown to be an effective cancer preventer. In addition to its medicinal use, turmeric can also be used in the following fields.

Turmeric is processed to make turmeric powder, a spice popular in Asia, with a bright yellow color and a unique flavor. It is often used in curry dishes and as a cheaper alternative to saffron for coloring foods.

Turmeric is also quickly used as a food coloring agent, such as fruit flavor powder, fruit flavored water, soft drink, sherbet, prepared wine, pastry decoration, concentrated juice, candy, canned food, red and green silk, green plum coloring agent.

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