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Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) is a plant that can be found all over the world.Its seed oil is a rich source of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid.The linoleic acid in safflower oil may help reduce the risk of heart disease.Safflower also contains chemicals that may help prevent blood clots,dilate blood vessels,lower blood pressure,and stimulate the heart.Safflower oil is used to treat high cholesterol,heart disease,stroke,diabetes and many other conditions,but there is insufficient scientific evidence to support most of these uses.
May be effective High cholesterol,using safflower oil in place of other oils in the diet may help lower total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol in people with high and low cholesterol.There is interest in using safflower for many other purposes,but there isn't enough reliable information to say whether it works.
Side effect
When taken by mouth:Safflower oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken as part of the diet.It is usually well tolerated.When applied to the skin:Safflower oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when used for up to 8 weeks.
Safflower tea preparation
500 g of safflower seeds (Safflower seeds: Carthamus tinctorious L.) harvested from a farm in Uiseong,Geyongbuk,Korea were washed,baked at 200 °C for 5 min, ground,and extracted twice with hexane under reflux to remove lipids.The defatted seeds were further extracted with 80% ethanol,and the extract was used to prepare granular safflower tea.Safflower tea contains 13% extract (w/w), bismuth tea extract,soy isoflavones, dextrose,mannitol, maltodextrin,lactose and sodium aluminosilicate (Table 1). Double flower tea extract is added to aid blood circulation and reduce the bitterness of safflower seed extract.A small amount of soy isoflavones is added to enhance the effect of the isoflavones in the tea,but it is not expected to have any effect on its own.Glucose is added for palatability, and the remaining ingredients are used to make tea granules.Each pack contains 10 grams of tea granules,and the subject takes two packs each morning and evening.The polyphenol content of safflower is estimated at 72 mg,including 18 mg of serotonin derivatives,which is comparable to the RDA for commercially available safflower tablets.Placebo tea is prepared in the same way as safflower tea except safflower extract and soy isoflavones are replaced by maltodextrin.
Table 1
Compositions of the safflower and placebo teas
1.Rubus - Atractylodes
2.30% Soy Isoflavones
Organic Safflower Tea
The safflower plant is known for the many healing properties it contains.Organic safflower tea has been used in traditional medicine as a remedy for a variety of health conditions.In Asia,men and women of all ages drink safflower tea regularly as a preventive measure; its healing properties reduce cholesterol buildup in the arteries,thin the blood,and reduce the risk of stroke,while depositing antioxidants in the blood to boost the immune system .Men and women of all ages drink safflower tea regularly as a preventive measure;its therapeutic properties lower cholesterol
About Safflower Plants
The physical structure of safflower plants is much like thistles.For thousands of years,safflower has been widely used mainly for its beautiful and vibrant colors. The bright yellow and red colors of the plant are cultivated as a versatile dye,and items dyed by the safflower plant are often valuable items,often used in religious ceremonies.It is primarily known as a source of dyes,not for its health benefits like tea or oil.Organic Safflower Tea is the ideal drink for those who want to relax,enjoy the aroma and know that what they are drinking is contributing to better overall health
Safflower oil
The oil of the safflower plant has been widely used.It has shown promise in the fight against tumor growth,and the properties it contains help prevent heart disease.Safflower oil has been studied for its ability to reduce hardening of the arteries;the hardening that can lead to more severe heart disease.In Ayurvedic medicine, safflower oil is commonly used as an expectorant to help relieve severe coughs and relieve sore throats.
Health Benefits of Safflower Tea
As a tea,the safflower plant has many of the health benefits mentioned above as well as providing intestinal detoxification and relaxing the body from the inside out with its soothing aroma,reducing physical stress.Safflower tea is widely used by women with menstrual irregularities;using safflower plant products can indeed thin the blood and should not be consumed by pregnant women or those with blood problems.Any form of safflower plant,including organic safflower tea,can help lower cholesterol levels and help control blood sugar.It also effectively thins the blood, which is a major benefit for most people but can be problematic for people with thin blood or blood that clots poorly.This tea can control blood sugar levels in the body and is beneficial for people with prediabetes or other blood sugar health problems.Safflower tea is prescribed for these uses in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine,but there is no conclusive evidence from Western laboratories,which may be partly due to the fact that no accepted tests have been performed to date.
Safflower Tea and Relax
Like many herbal teas, organic safflower can be helpful for those experiencing anxiety,stress,or other mental illnesses.When safflower tea is ingested,it releases essential oils and other properties that evoke a sense of calm and soothe worn and tired nerves.The tea's calming properties and ability to soothe tense nerves have given it a reputation as a potent relaxant.Safflower tea isn't one of the most glamorous tea varieties in Europe and North America,but in Asia it's a smashed tea that's commonly used in every household.
Safflower and the Immune System
Drinking organic safflower tea regularly can help boost your immune system by providing antioxidants that can repair damaged cells.An immune system that can effectively repair damaged cells is essential for the body to fight disease and infection.
Antioxidants and Safflower Tea
Antioxidants are elements that the body uses to repair damaged and mutated cells in the body.Safflower tea is a rich source of antioxidants.Most serious diseases are caused by mutated cells.Having an active immune system also helps the body fight off minor colds and germs.
Topical use
Organic safflower tea is used topically in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.The leaves have been proven to help the skin heal wounds and soothe bruises. They can also help reduce rashes and skin irritations.
Precautions for Pregnant Women
Organic safflower tea does come with a caveat for some women.Compounds in the tea can affect the body's ability to clot blood.It can cause blood thinning and bleeding problems.For pregnant women, this side effect can have serious consequences,and consuming organic safflower tea may cause complications as it induces the onset of menstrual cycles.
General hemodilution
Anyone with bleeding disorders or problems may want to know more about the effects before using organic safflower tea.Also,anyone having surgery or planning to have surgery may wish to avoid tea or any safflower products.