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Magnolia and its other Uses

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-10      Origin: Site

Horticultural use

In general, magnolias arouse horticultural interest. Some shrubs, such as the M. stellata (star magnolia) and M.× soulangeana (saucer magnolia) trees, bloom very early in spring before their leaves have opened.Other plants bloom in late spring or early summer, including M. virginiana (sweetbay magnolia) and M. grandiflora (southern magnolia).Hybridization has been very successful in combining the best aspects of different species, resulting in plants that flower earlier and with more impressive blooms than the parent species.One of the most popular garden magnolias,M. × soulangeana, is a hybrid of M. liliiflora and M. denudata.In the eastern United States, five native species are frequently planted:M.acuminata (as shade trees), M.grandiflora, M. virginiana, M. tripetala, and M.macrophylla. The last two species must be planted where high winds are less common because of their large leaves.

Culinary uses Magnolia officinalis

The flowers of many species are considered edible.In parts of England, the petals of M.grandiflora are pickled and used as a spicy condiment.In some Asian cuisines, the buds are pickled and used to flavor rice and fragrant tea.In Japan, the young leaves and flower buds of Magnolia hypoleuca are roasted and eaten as a vegetable.Older leaves are powdered and used as a seasoning; the dried whole leaves are placed over a charcoal brazier with miso, chives, radish and shiitake mushrooms, and grilled.There is a miso flavored with magnolia, hoba miso.

Traditional medicine

The bark and buds of M.officinalis have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, where they are known as Magnolia officinalis (Magnolia officinalis).In Japan, kōboku, M. obovata is used in a similar way.


The cucumber tree M. acuminata grows very large and is harvested as a timber tree in the forests of the Northeastern United States.Its wood is sold as "boxwood" along with the tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifera.Fraser's Magnolia (M. fraseri) also sometimes grows large enough to be harvested.

Other uses

Magnolias are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including the giant leopard moth.

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