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  • Efficacy, function and use of Sea Breeze VineSea breeze vine is a climbing vine, belonging to the Capsiaceae vine (Cylinthus sylvestris). Mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and other places. The medicinal materials are harvested in summer and autumn. for life.
  • Angelica Tea Commonly used for blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness and heart palpitations, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain due to deficiency and cold, rheumatic arthralgia, traumatic injury, carbuncle swollen sore, intestinal dryness and constipation.
  • Defination of Poria cocos Chinese HerbPoria cocos Chinese Herb is the dried sclerotia of Pseudomonas family fungus Poria, often parasitic on pine roots, shaped like sweet potato, spherical, light brown or dark brown outer skin, pink or white interior.
  • Arborvitae Vinegar has great medicinal effects, but it is also contraindicated in consumption.
  • Aster is also known as Qingyuan, Ziqian and so on. It is mainly produced in Hebei, Inner Mongolia and the three northeastern provinces in China, and is also distributed in North Korea, Japan and other places abroad. It usually grows in humid riverside areas. Aster is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of treating wind-cold cough, asthma, consumptive cough and vomiting pus and blood.
  • Angelica is the dried root of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels of the Umbelliferae. Angelica mainly contains sucrose, various amino acids, volatile oils, n-butene, lactones, niacin, ferulic acid and semiterpenoids, as well as vitamin A, vitamin E, volatile oils, arginine and various minerals.

  • Achyranthes is a Chinese herbal medicine that resembles lavender and has a similar taste to mint. After drying, it becomes a traditional Chinese medicine. It can be combined with other traditional Chinese medicines to treat diseases, and it can also be combined with the ingredients in life for diet therapy. Achyranthes has the effects of treating women's amenorrhea, rheumatism, low back pain, muscle spasm, and nocturnal emission.
  • Bupleurum is a kind of perennial herb of Umbelliferae, also known as Dixian, fenugreek, mountain vegetables, Rucao, Chacao. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine for clearing heat, which is used for cold and fever, cold and heat exchange, malaria, liver stagnation and qi stagnation, sternocostal pain, rectal prolapse, uterine shedding, irregular menstruation, etc.
  • Magnolia officinalis is a plant of the Magnoliaceae family. Its bark, root bark and branch bark, flowers, seeds and buds can be used as medicine. The bark of Magnolia officinalis is mainly used as a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of dispelling dampness and guiding stagnation, promoting qi and relieving asthma, reducing food and phlegm, dispelling wind and relieving pain.
  • According to modern research, the volatile oil of fresh white peel has anti-cancer effect in vitro. However, it should be used with caution in patients with spleen and stomach deficiency.
  • American ginseng is a perennial herb of the genus ginseng.
  • Pueraria lobata root is a kind of medicine and food. It has a very good effect on our health.
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