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Artemisiae Argyi Extract's various usages

Publish Time: 2022-10-31     Origin: Site

How to eat wormwood leaves

There are many ways to eat wormwood leaves. Here are some common ways to eat wormwood leaves and their effects.

1. Boiled eggs with wormwood leaves.

This is a classic and common way of eating. The common way to cook eggs with wormwood leaves is to chop some wormwood leaves, put them in a pot, add water and boil them for a few minutes, add eggs and boil them, or add ginger. If you like sweet taste, brown sugar can be added.

2. Chicken and wormwood leaf soup.

Method: 1 old hen, 50g fresh wormwood leaf. Wash the old hen, cut it into pieces, and cook soup with wormwood leaves. Efficacy: It can replenish qi and absorb blood, strengthen the spleen and calm the heart.

3. Abalone leaf dumplings.

How to do it: Chop some fresh wormwood leaves, add some chopped scallions and dried mushrooms, mix well, season with salt and MSG, and wrap the fillings into dumplings, steam or boil them in a pot. Efficacy: Improve appetite.

4. Artemisia argyi brown sugar water.

Method: 5 pieces of ginger, 5 pieces of dates, 15g of dry wormwood leaves, some brown sugar, and fried in water. Applicable crowd: for women with dysmenorrhea.

5. Ai Ye Qing Tuan.

Method: Chop the fresh wormwood leaves, put some flour, knead them with water and salt into a dough, make them into a medium sized wormwood green dough, and steam them in a pot. Efficacy: It can activate qi and blood, dispel cold and dampness, stop bleeding, and prevent miscarriage. In particular, the wormwood leaves before and after the Dragon Boat Festival are fresh, tender and tasty. They have the effects of appetizing, strengthening the spleen and improving appetite.

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